We are excited to bring VBS back June 3rd through the 7th! This 5-day program is designed to help all students see the beautiful truth that they are God’s workmanship as they learn to use their talents to bring glory to Him.
We will meet from 6pm to 9pm each evening for plenty of fun, learning, and fellowship.
Registration is open! Please click on the VBS Registration link on the FBC website and complete the form if you have not already. Both adults and kids will need to be registered. Registration will close ??
Classes will be available for all ages, nursery to adults. Students will attend the class associated with the grade they most recently completed (during the 2023-2024 school year).
Join us every night in our Spirit Week
If you have questions contact our VBS Coordinator, Kindell May, at (770) 715-3726 or fbcduluthvbs@gmail.com